Church Diary
Sunday 15th September 2024.
We are always delighted to welcome visitors and friends of Bushmills to our services. Please join us for refreshments, following this morning’s Service. This morning's service was conducted by the Rev DrPhilip McConnell.
Sunday school has recommenced. Bible class restarts on 6th October. Everyone aged 11 - 18 is very welcome to come along.
Meet & Munch will meet again on Monday 16th September at 10.30am.
The Community Fridge and coffee morning will continue on Friday at 11.30am. The Co-op will be providing food for you to take away and enjoy for free. In this way we can prevent perfectly good food from going to landfill. Come along and catch up with old friends and make some new ones over a cup of coffee/tea and some home-made pancakes.
Parents and Tots will restart on Wednesday 18th September from 10am till 12noon. Contribution £1 per child. All pre-school children and their carers are very welcome to attend. We look forward to welcoming you, whether you are returning or coming for the first time! Also, if anyone can help with the Parents and Tots, whether on Wednesday mornings or setting up after 4pm on Tuesdays, your help would be greatly appreciated. Please speak to Libby or Heather.
Presbyterian Herald - The September issue is now available to collect from the Link corridor.
Members of the public are cordially invited to visit Drumtullagh Parish Church Open Days ( Lisnagat Road), on Saturday 14th and Sunday 15th from 10am-4pm as part of Northern Ireland's annual celebration of local architecture, history and culture.
Operation Christmas Child is a project of Samaritan's Purse. It is a hands-on way for you to bless children in need across the world by filling shoeboxes with toys, personal care items, school supplies, and fun gifts. The mission of Operation Christmas Child is to demonstrate God's love in a tangible way to children in need around the world. Through this project, Samaritan's Purse partners with the local church worldwide to share the Good News of Jesus Christ and make disciples of the nations.
Shoeboxes and leaflets are now available in the link corridor to take away (no charge). Leaflets explain what to include and what cannot be included in your box and also how to donate online or by post for the transport of your box. Filled shoeboxes should be returned by Sunday 10th November so plenty of time to shop for gifts for the boxes. Many thanks in advance for your participation.
Belfast Community Gospel Choir will be in concert on 21st September 2024 at Church of Ireland Parish Centre, Ballymoney. The concert is in aid of Ballymoney Community CAP (Christians Against Poverty). Tickets £25 from McCurdy Hamilton Travel and McAuley's Book Shop.
Ballycastle Prayer Group will be holding a course of seven seminars entitled 'Finding New Life in the Spirit' beginning on Tuesday 24th September. Anyone interested in attending should contact Una Summers for more details.